Preparation of mixed boards for the use of agro-industrial waste

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Moraima Mera
Andrés Simbaña


Research on the use of agro-industrial waste in the production of composite boards, marks the development of an important line of research at the School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, since it has been demonstrated that by incorporating Abacá fibers (Musa textileis) and Cabuya (Fourcraea andina), in a polymeric matrix of urea formaldehyde, boards with good physical and mechanical properties are obtained, such as: tensile strength, elongation at break, permeability and adhesion.


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How to Cite
MeraM., & SimbañaA. (2010). Preparation of mixed boards for the use of agro-industrial waste. AXIOMA, 1(4), 18-19. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Moraima Mera, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Docentes PUCE-SI

Andrés Simbaña, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Docentes PUCE-SI


Mera, M., & Simbaña, A. (2010). Elaboración de tableros mixtos para el aprovechamiento de residuos agroindustriales. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(4), 18-19. Recuperado a partir de