II Fair of research and entrepreneurship seedbeds

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Anselmo Mármol


The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra is in the process of organizing the II FAIR OF RESEARCH AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP SEEDS, PUCE-SI 2008; Academic event that has been institutionalized in our University and that took place on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 of December, days in which the spaces for the exhibition of seedbeds were the ideal setting dedicated exclusively to research student.


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How to Cite
MármolA. (2009). II Fair of research and entrepreneurship seedbeds. AXIOMA, 1(5), 19. Retrieved from https://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/182
Author Biography

Anselmo Mármol, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Asistente Dpt. de Investigación


Mármol, A. (2009). II Feria de semilleros de investigación y emprendimiento. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(5), 19. Recuperado a partir de http://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/182