The Directorate of students promoting student well-being of PUCE-SI

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Kim Vivero


The legacy of a golden history that identifies PUCE-SI since its creation on October 29, 1976 until today, has clearly shown us that the reconciliation between faith and science has led our university in the right direction; since the faith assumed, with a careful respect for the different beliefs, but instirctively committed to the social doctrine of the Catholic Church and science as the sphere of reason, have strongly reaffirmed the attachment to what is built with hope, to what is built with love, to what is united by conviction, to what makes the University a great institution, and which will surely, in a very short time, make Ecuador a great country.


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How to Cite
ViveroK. (2009). The Directorate of students promoting student well-being of PUCE-SI. AXIOMA, 1(5), 44. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Kim Vivero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Directora de Estudiantes


Vivero, K. (2009). La Dirección de estudiantes promotora del bienestar estudiantil de la PUCE-SI. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(5), 44. Recuperado a partir de