Regional Agrobiodiversity will be conserved by the Institute of Genetic Resources and Biotechnology IRGEN

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Andrés Simbaña


The development of humanity is closely linked to the use of plants and animals for their subsistence. A very small fraction of the species has been domesticated and contributes effectively to human nutrition (Spedding, 1979). 90% of the food consumption carried out is based on 15 plants of the 270,000 existing and seven animals (five mammals and two birds). This shows that humanity's food eco-base is very narrow and, therefore, vulnerable, and that any imbalance would be a catastrophe (González Jiménez, 1994).


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SimbañaA. (2010). Regional Agrobiodiversity will be conserved by the Institute of Genetic Resources and Biotechnology IRGEN. AXIOMA, 1(4), 14. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Andrés Simbaña, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Coordinador de Investigación y Desarrollo Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas y Ambientales


Simbaña, A. (2010). La Agrobiodiversidad regional será conservada por el Instituto de Recursos Genéticos y Biotecnología IRGEN. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(4), 14. Recuperado a partir de