"The PUCE-SI makes a difference in higher education in the north of the country"

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Kim Vivero Saltos


When reviewing the pages of the history of Higher Education in Ecuador, specifically the one that corresponds to the Province of Imbabura, we find that since 1976, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra has made a difference not only by delivering to the society for quality professionals in various areas, but also for the type of education that is shared with students in each of the class hours in classrooms, workshops and laboratories. Obviously, this postulate is not opposed to the original functions of teaching, research or linking; Rather, they are the ones that strengthen the management carried out by teachers in the different chairs to complement the comprehensive training of all students as the “reason for being” of PUCE-SI.



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How to Cite
Vivero SaltosK. (2010). "The PUCE-SI makes a difference in higher education in the north of the country". AXIOMA, 1(4), 44. Retrieved from https://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/246
Author Biography

Kim Vivero Saltos, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Directora de la Dirección de Estudiantes


Vivero Saltos, K. (2010). “La PUCE-SI marca la diferencia en educación superior en el norte del país”. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(4), 44. Recuperado a partir de http://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/246