Virtual classrooms resource at PUCE-SI

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Ana Lucía Tocaín


The experience that we have gained in the last three years by incorporating the use of virtual resources into the face-to-face teaching process (which until a few months were experimental in nature) reveals that this resource facilitates access, develops the capacity to process information and representation, and not only textual, but of other symbol systems, such as audiovisual languages, multimedia, hypermedia, etc., due to its importance for the development of intelligence in general, and due to the new questions it raises, it requires at the moment special attention in the academic life of our University Venue.



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How to Cite
TocaínA. L. (2010). Virtual classrooms resource at PUCE-SI. AXIOMA, 1(6), 6. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Ana Lucía Tocaín, Pontificia Universidad del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Coordinadora de la Unidad a Distancia.


Tocaín, A. L. (2010). Recurso aulas virtuales en la PUCE-SI. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(6), 6. Recuperado a partir de