The science of law

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José Eladio Coral


Once again, in the August-December 2010 semester, I was responsible for teaching the Chair of Introduction to Law to students who are starting their law studies career to graduate as a Lawyer at the PUCE School of Jurisprudence -YES. I have accepted it with pleasure due to the enthusiasm that the students spread. I am encouraged by the conviction and vocation of Lawyer and Teacher. The subject is of utmost importance for the training of the future professional, so it is necessary to incorporate an unweighted dose of optimism and Didactics, in order to make our thinking accessible in the classroom, especially with regard to epistemological foundations of Law.


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How to Cite
CoralJ. E. (2010). The science of law. AXIOMA, 1(6), 8. Retrieved from
Author Biography

José Eladio Coral, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Docente de la Escuela de Jurisprudencia


Coral, J. E. (2010). La ciencia del Derecho. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(6), 8. Recuperado a partir de