Mastery and experience of Educational Quality.

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Sandra Ayala


The awareness and implementation of this new professional training process, in the person of Magister Marcia Mantilla, director of the School of Education Sciences, is being fruitful, the seed of academic orientation towards a new level of performance of the university teacher , to whom we express our deep gratitude. With the joy that it means to be a university teacher and the great commitment to professionally train studious youth, this stage of postgraduate training reveals the motivation to be at the forefront of cutting-edge technological knowledge, to know or rediscover the theoretical constructs of new paradigms in the educational field.


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AyalaS. (2010). Mastery and experience of Educational Quality. AXIOMA, 1(6), 11. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Sandra Ayala, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Docente de La Escuela de Lenguas y Lingüistica


Ayala, S. (2010). Maestría y vivencia de la Calidad Educativa. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(6), 11. Recuperado a partir de