Fourth level international training in tourism

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Miguel A. Posso Y.


Consistent with the integral development of the region and its mission and vision, PUCE-SI has opted for the fourth level (postgraduate) training of its teachers, graduates and the general public; Thus, an interuniversity cooperation project is currently being developed, with the support of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, between the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain (ULPGC) and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra; project through which thirty-five Ecuadorians are being trained in an International Master of Tourism Destination Development and a Doctorate in Integral Tourism, Interculturality and Sustainable Development.


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How to Cite
Posso Y.M. A. (2010). Fourth level international training in tourism. AXIOMA, 1(6), 13-14. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Miguel A. Posso Y., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Jefe del Departamento de Investigación de la PUCE-SI


Posso Y., M. A. (2010). Formación Internacional de cuarto nivel en turismo. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(6), 13-14. Recuperado a partir de