Natural fibers and agro-industrial waste. Sustainable source of raw material

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Andrés Simbaña


At present there are important varieties of vegetable fibers that are produced commercially such as cotton, jute, abaca, sisal, hemp, coconut, flax, ramie, henequen, etc., among those of animal origin, the alpaca wool stands out, angora, and sheep; camel hair, mohair and cashmere; as well as silk. These natural fibers have good mechanical resistance, low weight and low cost.


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How to Cite
SimbañaA. (2010). Natural fibers and agro-industrial waste. Sustainable source of raw material. AXIOMA, 1(6), 15-16. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Andrés Simbaña, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Coordinador de Investigación y Desarrollo Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas y Ambientales


Simbaña, A. (2010). Fibras naturales y residuos agroindustriales. Fuente sotenible de materia Prima. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(6), 15-16. Recuperado a partir de