Ibero-American Seminar met expectations

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Edmundo Recalde


During October 26 and 27 of this year, the I Ibero-American Seminar on Alternative Energy Crops was held at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. This academic event had the participation of experts from both the country and abroad. It is worth mentioning as international speakers the professors: Dr. José M. Durán Altisent and Dr. Norma Retamal Parra, Full Professors of the Polytechnic University of Madrid; and Engineer Emilio Gudemos, specialist in Alternative Energy from the National University of Córdoba in Argentina.



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How to Cite
RecaldeE. (2010). Ibero-American Seminar met expectations. AXIOMA, 1(6), 32. Retrieved from https://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/320
Author Biography

Edmundo Recalde, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Coordinador de Vinculación de la Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas y Ambientales.


Recalde, E. (2010). Seminario Iberoamericano cumplió con las expectativas. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(6), 32. Recuperado a partir de http://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/320