Strategic alliance with CARE-Ecuador
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Today, it is almost impossible to ignore the changes that humans have caused to the natural environment. In all places there is the hand of man and his timely intervention; The changes that are made help us to have a better life, without altering nature and on the contrary, it is creating diversity and beauty. The conventions are a response to this creation. CARE-Ecuador and our PUCE-SI University and therefore the GESTURH School unify wills and efforts to carry out a training aimed at 20 tourism companies located in the province of Imbabura, proposing to support them with training processes and training in the characteristics of the model of socially and environmentally responsible tourism, as well as with regard to tourism services. Sustainable tourism by its nature is inclusive, participatory, democratic and incorporates women's networks in production processes, improving the lives of social, public, private and community actors.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social