Methodological systematization of the community experience "Boosting local tourism practices and inclusive tourism businesses within the framework of effective management of destinations along the Andean road or Qhapaq Ñan, cities of Loja, Azuay and Cañar

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Christian Stalin Viñan Merecí


The section that was chosen for the implementation of the project was the south branch of Qhapaq-Ñan that goes from Ingapirca, the main archeological site in the country and an important pre-Incan commercial and  communications hub, until the southern border with Peru. It covers an area with important archaeological vestiges but also an incipient development of community tourism operations and opportunities that offer to this part of the country the development of touristic products with the participation of the communities despite the varied and diverse territory. The development of the project was based on the Inclusive Business methodology, through the participation of the anchor company (UTPL) that facilitated the inclusion of producers, who are in conditions of poverty, due to their production chain and guarantee to market access. For the reasons mentioned above, it was proposed to develop the methodological systemization of the project, be- cause a model of community tourism development was implemented about patrimonial treasures related to Qhappaq-Ñan, which has contributed to the eradication of poverty and that according to the plan it can be considered sustainable and reproducible through the eficient management on a local level. Also, the elimination of poverty can be gained in conjunction with delivering the products to domestic and international markets through one or various anchor companies, it to say, the end that we are pursuing is that it is a tool that other communities, which want to start community tourism, can replicate. To end it is important to note that international cooperation (World Tourism Organization from the ST-EP project as inancers) is an important key in the development of projects destined to improve the quality of life of our society.


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How to Cite
MerecíC. S. V. (2011). Methodological systematization of the community experience "Boosting local tourism practices and inclusive tourism businesses within the framework of effective management of destinations along the Andean road or Qhapaq Ñan, cities of Loja, Azuay and Cañar. AXIOMA, 1(7), 5-8. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Christian Stalin Viñan Merecí, Universidad Técnica particular de Loja.

Docente de la Facultad de Turismo


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