Influence of Hydrogel (Polyacrylamide) and Urea Formaldehyde Resin in Closed Crops of Beans
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The majority of nitrogen based fertilizers generally decompose easily when they come in contact with water. In addition they lose an important fraction of nitrogen due to volatilization and leaching, for which the true input into the soil is deicient, and the doses and the frequency of application must be increased. For this reason the search for fertilizers that can gradually contribute nutrients to the soil as the plant needs them is of the highest importance as well as saving an essential resource like water. This investigation deals with the inluence of a water retainer (hydrogel-polyacrylamide) in the slow release of nitrogen fertilizer of urea formaldehyde (UF), en the crop of beans of the green bean variety. Two types of urea formaldehyde resin were evaluated, the irst type A, was synthesized with an initial load urea. The second type B, was synthesized with a load of urea at the beginning and at the end. The quantity of hydrogel remained constant in each one of the assays. The type A resin, achieved superior results among all the evaluated variables. The water conservation that was achieved with the hydrogel was also signiicant. The synthesis of the resin was done in the Chemistry and Soil Laboratory of the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences School of the PUCE Ibarra campus. The cultivation of the species was undertaken in the greenhouse for the propagation of plants at the same university.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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