Key factors in the design of sound science policies for universities

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Luis B. Ramos Sánchez
Hilda Oquendo Ferrer


The scientific policy of a university is very important for increasíng the efficiency and effectiveness of its socioeconomic impact. There are severa) factors to be taken into account for a proper design of these policies. These factors belong to the internal and externa' environment of universities. The aire of this paper is to analyze the main factors that determine internal policies that must be adopted in order to correctly lead scientific research at the university.


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Ramos SánchezL. B., & Oquendo FerrerH. (2012). Key factors in the design of sound science policies for universities. AXIOMA, 1(8), 36-43. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Luis B. Ramos Sánchez, Universidad de Camagüey-Cuba.

Departamento de Ingeniería Química

Hilda Oquendo Ferrer, Universidad de Camagüey

Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado


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