Bilateral Agreement for the Integral Development of the Awa Indigenous People of Ecuador and Colombia

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Alexander Barahona Néjer


The aim of this paper is to describe in general terms the thesis “ Binational Project Agreement between Ecuador and Colombia for Integral Development Awa Indigenous People “, in which the meaning and scope of the right to life project are analyzed, health, territorial integrity and dual nationality - expressions sumak kawsay of the Binational Indigenous People - Awa, according to their worldview and ancestral development in the northern Ecuador - Colombia border. The investigation –exploratory legal research - justifies the urgency of adopting a Binational Agreement in order to recognize the binational quality people as a prerequisite for the effective protection of their rights and adoption of public policies that guarantee the wellbeing of the community. Similarly, progress and new challenges in the political, social and legal realm support the thesis for the adoption of the agreement and partnership between the indigenous representatives and representatives from both countries.


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How to Cite
NéjerA. B. (2014). Bilateral Agreement for the Integral Development of the Awa Indigenous People of Ecuador and Colombia. AXIOMA, 2(11), 12-16. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Alexander Barahona Néjer

Maestrante del Programa Internacional de Maestría en Derecho Constitucional. Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar.


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