General Aspects of Protective Action in Ecuador

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María Isabel Tobar Subía Contento


This work deals with general aspects of protective action and court security, characterized by residual application, which aims to create a framework for effective protection of constitutional rights in Ecuador. The content is in five sections in which the following topics are addressed: 1. The supremacy of the Constitution and the Constitutional Guarantee of Rights, 2. The scope of Protective Action, 3. The origin and passive legitimacy of Protective Action, 4. Inapplicability of Protective Action, and 5. Constitutional and legal procedure. The paper concludes highlighting that this warranty is a tool of the Constitutional State of Rights and Justice for the full exercise of constitutional rights.


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How to Cite
Tobar Subía ContentoM. I. (2014). General Aspects of Protective Action in Ecuador. AXIOMA, 2(11), 17-21. Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Isabel Tobar Subía Contento

Investigadora de la Carrera de Jurisprudencia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra (PUCE-SI)


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