Analysis by scanning electron microscope suction of waterproof extruded facebrick manufacturing
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This study examines the alteration that occurs in the porous ceramic manufacturing extruded face side, being surface treated with water repellent products, suction studying porous ceramic, based on the variation from the waterproofed ceramic, two pa-rameters: initial absorption rate and surface water level. To quantify the degree of disturbance which occurs every repellent on the surface of the porous ceramic, is imaged with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at 3,000 magnifications, can be seen how it affects the degree of surface damage to the results suction in ceramics. Is selected extruded pottery manufacturing. Wa-ter repellents products are selected based on their chemical composition in six classes in monocomponent and bicomponent.The methodology used is based on the UNE-EN 772-11:2001 Standard “Initial rate of water absoroption”, noting that all the water repellent products reduce the initial absorption rate and surface water level parameters of the porous face cera-mic, compared to the non-treated ceramic. The ceramic surface is analyzed by image comparison between ceramic not been waterproofed and treated with different products, obtained by SEM. All water repellent products reduce parameters initial absorption rate and surface water level of the porous ceramic face side, on waterproofed ceramic without altering the ceramic surface to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the composition of water repellent product applied .
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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