Design of Web 2.0 Resources to Improve the Teaching and Learning

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Horacio Leonel Pabón Arévalo


In this article we show an overview of the diagnostic study of new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the learning process, analyzing it from the experience of a chair. You attempted to understand how the incorporation of ICTs in education creates another dimension of communication between the participants in the training, the asynchrony. In addition, the paper describes the materials and methods used in the investigation. At the same time, shows the most important findings collected and finally presenting the conclusions resulting from the study.


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How to Cite
ArévaloH. L. P. (2014). Design of Web 2.0 Resources to Improve the Teaching and Learning. AXIOMA, 2(11), 38-43. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Horacio Leonel Pabón Arévalo

Docente de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra.


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