New Mediums and Old Challenges for Journalists

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Xosé López García
Alba Silva Rodríguez
Carlos Toural Bran


The journalist profile has changed over the years, but its essential function of mediation through the interpretation of events of general interest has not changed. The journalist has always acted as an intermediary between society and what happens in it. That was the role in the past and that is the role at present. In this article, written from research of the group New Media of Santiago de Compostela about the changes in the production of information in the current media and in the professional profiles that mass media demands. We analyze aspects of change in the communi-cation field and the alternatives for the practice of a higher quality journalism.


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GarcíaX. L., RodríguezA. S., & BranC. T. (2014). New Mediums and Old Challenges for Journalists. AXIOMA, 1(12), 34-39. Retrieved from


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