Reviews of publications 2010-2012
Main Article Content
- Testing of composite materials in the production of mixed boards for agro-industrial use.
- Embroidering the Imbabura.
- Applications of rock flour in four geological formations in short cycle crops in the province of Imbabura.
- Research summary of the cultivation and development of products in the experimental farm of PUCE-SI.
- The performance evaluation of entopathogenic microorganisms in the cultivation of quinoa.
- Evaluation of the mechanical properties of composite boards with lignocellulosic residues of cabuya pulp (Fourcraea Andina).
- Projects, thesis and logical framework.
- Practical Manual of Basic and Applied Statistics.
-Incentive regulations for research teachers.
Article Details
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social