Critique and Proposal for a Review Process for Teaching Plans in the Agronomy Degree

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Jorge Luis Cué García
Antonio Torres García
Amarilys León Paredes


The curriculum at the Superior Education is an essential factor in improving professional training, with the Teaching Process Plan (PPD), one of the components that achieve the same concrete. It takes a critical view and proposed Plan Process for Agronomy in the modality at the University of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Documentary research used and theoretical considerations of the authors are incorporated, by teaching experience and scientific methodology. The proposal suggests that from more systematic third year is conducive to achieving solving professional problems (knowledge, skills and professional attitudes) related to methods and agronomic techniques essential to the exercise of the profession. It contains the incorporation of Agricultural Practice Course IV, which will facilitate further integration into the fourth year, and in the fifth year developing technological subjects court (of plant and animal production) is guaranteed. The incorporation of pedagogical conception of completion of studies in the race assumes modalities: Work Diploma, Degree and Productive Project Technical Report.


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How to Cite
GarcíaJ. L. C., GarcíaA. T., & ParedesA. L. (2015). Critique and Proposal for a Review Process for Teaching Plans in the Agronomy Degree. AXIOMA, 2(13), 53-62. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Cué García, Docente Universidad Técnica del Norte. Ibarra, Ecuador

Docente Universidad Técnica del Norte. Ibarra, Ecuador

Antonio Torres García, Docente Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador

Docente Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador

Amarilys León Paredes, Docente Unidad Educativa Pensionado Atahualpa, Ecuador

Docente Unidad Educativa Pensionado Atahualpa, Ecuador


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