A System based on knowledge to support decision-making in channel planning transmission for ULA TV
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In the field of Venezuelan television, the decision is what to transmit and at what times to do so. It is the responsibility of the programmer, depending on the vision of the channel and the corresponding legal requirements according to the law on social responsibility in radio and television. Therefore, this is a task
demanding because the channel rating depends entirely on its programming; hence the programmer must bear in mind all the available audio/visual and give them the appropriate rotation. If these items are not in an organized manner, this management can be problematical when it comes to planning the transmission grid. Thus, the present work carries out the design and development of a system based on knowledge as a software tool for programmer support. This system is stored on an automated channel programming database which is able to suggest a weekly schedule updated to comply with the specifications mentioned above. This system has a user friendly interface for the programmer administrating the stored programs when needed to enter or update programs in the database. All of this uses methodology based on knowledge engineering and will allow us to achieve the solution of the problem and tests.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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