Dimensions of social responsibility in health and microenterprise institutions of the social environment recipient of Nucleus La Liria of the University of Los Andes Merida-Venezuela

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María Virginia Baptista Araujo
Gladys Margarita Cáceres Fernández
María Virginia Camacaro Pérez
César Mora Contreras
Rita Elena Coello Contreras


Currently, Social Responsibility represents an institutional commitment, emphasizing social, organizational and personal values. The present research shows the results of the first phase of the macro project named Design a Strategic Plan for Social Responsibility for Citizen Coexistence in Spaces of Nucleus La Liria of the University of los Andes and its Social Environment Recipient, focused on the knowledge and application of tools inherent to five dimensions of social responsibility, in 38 health institutions and microenterprises near Nucleus La Liria (04 health centers and 34 microenterprises). To collect the information, the Self-Assessment Manual of Social Responsibility Deres (2008) is based on measuring the performance of work environment conditions, responsible marketing, environmental protection, community support, values and ethical principles. Among the conclusions, it highlights the little knowledge and application of the tools studied, thus resulting as a more relevant dimension, work conditions and environment.


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How to Cite
Baptista AraujoM. V., Cáceres FernándezG. M., Camacaro PérezM. V., ContrerasC. M., & Coello ContrerasR. E. (2017). Dimensions of social responsibility in health and microenterprise institutions of the social environment recipient of Nucleus La Liria of the University of Los Andes Merida-Venezuela. AXIOMA, (16), 5-16. Retrieved from https://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/479


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