Methodology, analysis and semiotic interpretation of urban imaginaries in contemporanity

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Yonnys Díaz Leal


Citizens' imaginaries are contextualized as visible traces and significances, as they facilitate the readability generated by the tensions of the objective processes of cities, coupled also with the strategies of subjectivity of citizens, deployed from the multiplicity of identities that give significance, resist or conform to urban discourse. For the subjectivity of the urban space, the object of study will be approached by means of a theoretical and methodological systematization of the investigations that function as antecedents and referents and, together with disciplines competent to the area of urban dissertation and as a method of interpretation of the different modalities of expression of the imaginary of the citizens. Considering all these particularities, and focused on a scientific research modality, the most vulnerable areas of the urban public space will be addressed by means of the definition of a Methodology of analysis and semiotic interpretation of the urban imaginaries in the contemporaneity.


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Díaz LealY. (2017). Methodology, analysis and semiotic interpretation of urban imaginaries in contemporanity. AXIOMA, (16), 60-68. Retrieved from


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