Virtual laboratory for the calculation of transient phenomena in pressurewater networks by the method of characteristics
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Transient hydraulic phenomena can cause great damage to pressure pipe systems intended for water transport; that is why in addition to studying these systems in stationary or permanent regime they should be analyzed in transient or elastic model, in order to anticipate mathematically the effects of water hammer, overpressure and underpressure that can destroy the pipes, either by explosion or by crushing, respectively. In the study of the elastic model, numerical and graphical methods are used, the most disclosed to analyze the evolution of the hydraulic transient in pressure systems is the method of characteristics, which evaluates two important variables (pressure and flow) through time. In this research, the method of characteristics is used for the hydraulic transient analysis. As a result of this study, a virtual tool called Hydrotransis v 1.0 is generated, it is freely executed -online- from the portal of the Virtual Laboratory of Fluids, Hydraulics and Energy Efficiency - FHEEL-V, allowing to analyze the behavior of transitory phenomena in pipes. Hydrotransis v 1.0 is composed of two modules: hydraulic transients for a simple driving line and hydraulic transients in pumping systems. It is a dynamic computer application, in which the spatio-temporal evolution of the hydraulic transient is observed graphically and numerically.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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