The community radio in Imbabura: issuers, programming and commitment to the audience

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Viviana Noemí Galarza Ligña
Belén Amador Rodríguez


The Community Radio was born as a means to generate participation and democratize the use of the word, being an instrument that allows to boost the communication within a deter-mined group and also from the group towards the global society. This is how the Ecuadorian State recognizes the importance of this media and in its most recent Communication Law of Ecuador it establishes as its responsibility the generation and strengthening of community media. This research developed in 2014 shows the current state of the community radio communication in the province of Imbabura through the analysis of the three radio media established as community. This, through the use of qualitative and quantitative methods, to check if the Community Radios satisfy the parameters established in the conceptualization theory of this type of communication. The results showed that there is little development of this media in the province and that the majority of established theoretical characteristics are not being fulfilled in its management.


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How to Cite
Galarza LigñaV. N., & Amador RodríguezB. (2018). The community radio in Imbabura: issuers, programming and commitment to the audience. AXIOMA, (17), 69-77. Retrieved from


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