Analysis on the knowledge and assessment of indigenous justice in imbabura after the judgment n ° 113-14-sep-cc

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Magdalia Maribel Hermoza
Hugo Bayardo Santacruz
María Belén Chuquín


The constitutions that Ecuador has had in its republican life, show that the rights contained in these have been increasing both in number and content. However, the recognition of certain rights has not stopped being problematic due to the colonialist hegemonies that have been impregnated in the social imaginary. This paper analyzes the appreciations that the members of the Imbabura society have, regarding the right indigenous communities, peoples and nationalities possess when it comes to administer justice according to their ancestral traditions and their own right. This intends to show that indigenous justice continues to be devalued, due not only to the bad press about the matter, but also because of the interference that the Constitutional Court of Ecuador has had in its limitation, since this institution has been the one that has condemnes the power that the indigenous authorities have to know certain facts that affect their community coexistence, which undoubtedly has affected society, in general, and legal operators, in particular, continue to consider indigenous justice below the model of ordinary justice.


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How to Cite
HermozaM. M., Bayardo SantacruzH., & ChuquínM. B. (2018). Analysis on the knowledge and assessment of indigenous justice in imbabura after the judgment n ° 113-14-sep-cc. AXIOMA, (18), 37-46. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Magdalia Maribel Hermoza, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Abogada por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, Escuela de Jurisprudencia.

Hugo Bayardo Santacruz, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Abogada por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, Escuela de Jurisprudencia.

María Belén Chuquín, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Abogada por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, Escuela de Jurisprudencia.


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