The predicate offense in the type of legitimation of capital (money laundering)

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Frank Mila


The development of this article is circumscribed to the study from the dogmatic point of view of the so-called Legitimation of Capitals, walking through approximations to the definitions of active subjects and qualified liabilities according to Venezuelan legislation, the protected legal good, the material object, typical action and the descriptive and normative elements of the type, making special reference to the concepts "illicit activity" and "crime", given its importance for its configuration, as well as its relation to the principle of legality.


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How to Cite
MilaF. (2018). The predicate offense in the type of legitimation of capital (money laundering). AXIOMA, (18), 47-54. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Frank Mila, Universidad José María Vargas

Profesor Agregado Postgrado, Caracas-Venezuela


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