Technical comparison of tools for augmented reality: wikitude, vuforia and artoolkit

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Fausto Alberto Salazar Fierro
Carpio Agapito Pineda Manosalvas
Silvia Rosario Arciniega Hidrobo
Nancy Nohemy Cervantes Rodríguez


Multimedia applications with augmented reality objects are nowadays one of the most interesting alternatives to provide components of the digital world with more content and increase the interest of users who see this technology as an option to visualize objects or places that are not physically present at that moment. They are virtually taken through this software which allows them to interact in this environment. The creation of these applications require specialized tools which exist in the market in great variety, but the limited studies make it difficult to the suitable selection of design tools which is challenging for the producer. The main objective of this research was to identify which one of the studied tools is the best option for the development of these augmented reality applications to observe touristic places. The research was performed according to a quantitative paradigm, applying a descriptive technique to compare Wikitude, Vuforia and ARToolKit, in terms of their functionality, availability, usage, documental support and solidity. In order to compare such tools, a special experiment was accomplished through a set of characteristics and sub characteristics. At the end of the test, it was determined that the Wikitude tool reached a grade of 14.40 as opposed to 12.45 and 11.15 obtained from Vuforia and ARToolKit. Therefore, this test concludes Wikitude as the best alternative for the development of augmented reality since it offers the most exceptional benefits.


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How to Cite
Salazar FierroF. A., Pineda ManosalvasC. A., Arciniega HidroboS. R., & Cervantes RodríguezN. N. (2019). Technical comparison of tools for augmented reality: wikitude, vuforia and artoolkit. AXIOMA, (19), 86-96. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Fausto Alberto Salazar Fierro, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Universidad Técnica del Norte, Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales, Ibarra-Ecuador.

Carpio Agapito Pineda Manosalvas, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Universidad Técnica del Norte, Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales, Ibarra-Ecuador.

Silvia Rosario Arciniega Hidrobo, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Universidad Técnica del Norte, Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales, Ibarra-Ecuador.

Nancy Nohemy Cervantes Rodríguez, Universidad Técnica del Norte

Universidad Técnica del Norte, Carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales, Ibarra-Ecuador.


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