Coal mining and deposition processes in Lota Alto – Chile

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Nicolás Matías Baldovin Saavedra
Johana Paola Calles Ortiz


Through the years, we have been witnesses of multiple problems associated with the processes of dispossession in the countries of Latin America and the world; generated by the overwhelming force of the large companies that live off extractive activities. Problems that in many times, not only begin at the moment of creating and implanting a factory to make money in the territory, modifying and destroying it, rather issues occur with the different dynamics that produce in their development, process of operation and subsequent decline or closure. That is why, the article look for showing one of the hardest experiences that a social system may go through, like the extractive product activities in a company town model; in this study, the implemented in Lota Alto-Chile in the mid-nineteenth century, this case will be analyzed from a critical socio-spatial dimension, where the miners and their families are the main protagonists.


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How to Cite
Baldovin SaavedraN. M., & Calles OrtizJ. P. (2020). Coal mining and deposition processes in Lota Alto – Chile. AXIOMA, (22), 25-31. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Nicolás Matías Baldovin Saavedra, Investigador Independiente, Chile

Investigador Independiente, Chile

Johana Paola Calles Ortiz, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra. Carrera de Arquitectura


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