Amenazas y riesgos socio naturales cantón Montecristi: bases del plan de ordenamiento y desarrollo territorial.

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Omar Antonio Guerrero
María Gabriela Camargo Mora
Byron Simón Baque-Solís
Omar Alejandro Guerrero-Camargo


Territorial Planning analyzes the territory in a binding, global and comprehensive way, both locally and regionally, it is presented as an opportunity to generate public policies aimed at mitigating disaster risks and adapting to climate change, among other elements In the Montecristi canton, studies are aimed at understanding multilinear threats and
socio-natural risks. An integrated methodology is proposed that involves the geomechanical study of the urban land, the hydroclimatic variables and the seismic conditions of the canton, following the the National Secretariat protocol for Risk and Emergency Management, as well as the regulations of Planifica Ecuador, with the objective to guide the
structuring component of the development plan and territorial ordering of the Montecristi canton. By virtue of the results, the canton has been recognized as an area very sustheceptible to floods and seismic threats.


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How to Cite
GuerreroO. A., Camargo MoraM. G., Baque-SolísB. S., & Guerrero-CamargoO. A. (2020). Amenazas y riesgos socio naturales cantón Montecristi: bases del plan de ordenamiento y desarrollo territorial. AXIOMA, (23), 45-51. Retrieved from


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