Desafíos para la gobernanza migratoria en América Latina frente al éxodo venezolano post inicio covid-19
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This article seeks to contextualize through theoretical axes, the different attempts to generate migratory governance or human mobility regimes; This is important because migration, despite being the product of a very specific situation, is immersed in a world where systematic and structural relationships are established between globalization and immigration, and there is no homogeneous body of responses to this phenomenon, on the part of the host countries.
We must point out that there are far-reaching trends on these issues, different from conjunctural fluctuations; therefore, the "facts" treated here will be approached from a vision that approximates the development of said theoretical tendencies, with the intention that these issues can be treated in their specificities through analysis and systematic research.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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