High Andean wetlands of the Province of Loja- Ecuador: geo-ecological and environmental characterization and classification

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Omar Antonio Guerrero
Maria Gabriela Camargo Mora
Bryan Idrovo Torres


The high Andean wetlands of the Province of Loja-Ecuador are under anthropogenic pressures due to the advance of the agricultural frontier and changes in land use, which impact their ecosystem functions. It is a relevant water resource, which has not been characterized and classified to guide strategies for the protection and mitigation of impacts. The lack of information and the intense disturbances they suffer require studies that evaluate the geo-ecological characteristics and the potential for carbon accumulation to guide protection and mitigation strategies. It is proposed to evaluate and geo-ecologically and environmentally classify the high Andean wetlands of the province of Loja, through analysis of the natural physical conditions and spatial evolution, which allow defining benefits for the population, carbon storage, regulation of water cycles, conservation of fresh water. and climate stabilization. The methodology was based on geo ecological criteria (RAMSAR and others), adjusted to tropical paramos regions. The province has 279 wetlands that are distributed in four paramos: to the south Saraguro and Yacuambi, to the north Jimbura-Amaluza and Loja-Vilcabamba. The wetlands are classified: 163 semi-colmated (mixed II-III), in the process of loss of water sheet due to the advance of sediments; 52 water mirrors (I) and 64 turf or peat-type colmated (IV), abundant in the Sara-guro and Yacuambi paramos. The latter have more critical geo ecological sustainability conditions.


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GuerreroO. A., Camargo MoraM. G., & Idrovo TorresB. (2022). High Andean wetlands of the Province of Loja- Ecuador: geo-ecological and environmental characterization and classification. AXIOMA, 1(26), 19-28. https://doi.org/10.26621/ra.v1i26.742


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