Una revisión sistemática de literatura sobre los hábitos de lectura en estudiantes universitarios
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The formation of the habit of reading contributes to the development of language skills. Therefore, the task has become fundamental to academic and professional success in education. However, when it comes to the subject, there are different opinions; in general, having this habit is essential to acquire all kinds of knowledge. Therefore, the present study is a systematic review of the literature (SRL) in search of techniques that allow acquiring and improving the habit and the impact it generates when reading well. Twenty scientific articles extracted from bibliographic databases, such as ScienceDirect, Scopus, Dialnet, and IEEE, were analyzed and compiled. The scientific literature answers the two research questions proposed in this bibliographic study. The research results determined that promoting and acquiring a reading habit improves social and human conditions; it also contributes to the development of cognitive aspects and active participation in daily life
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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