El rol del docente de Educación Especializada en la era digital

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Manuel Herrera Osejos


This article provides a systematic review of recent qualitative research in the field of education with the aim of determining the new roles of specialized education teachers in the current digital era. Thematic synthesis is used as a method to integrate the results into a conceptual framework. It is observed that teachers have acquired new competencies and technological tools, especially after the pandemic, which has led to a redefinition of their role in the educational process. They are no longer the only protagonists, and it is expected that they work in collaboration with students and use active methodologies and the connectivist approach to improve teaching and learning processes in virtual environments. Teacher training in special education is essential to apply specific educational supports that meet the needs of students. Teaching models based on active methodologies and the connectivist approach can be useful to improve teaching and learning processes in specialized education in virtual environments. In general, it can be concluded that the role of the teacher in the current digital era is much more complex and challenging, but at the same time, it can be more enriching and rewarding. Teachers must be willing to adapt to technological changes and adopt new pedagogical practices to make the most of the potential of digital tools in the classroom.


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How to Cite
Herrera OsejosM. (2024). El rol del docente de Educación Especializada en la era digital. AXIOMA, 1(30), 19-24. https://doi.org/10.26621/ra.v1i30.893


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