La Análisis descriptivo de inmuebles aledaños a la Primera Línea de Metro de Quito: un estudio para 5 estaciones

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Santiago Nuñez Naranjo
Johanna Elizabeth Morocho Terán
Luis Enrique Ortega Pintado


The Quito Metro First Line (abbreviation in Spanish, PLMQ) is a megaproject that also marks a milestone in the urban development of the city and with it the related infrastructure that in turn generates improvements in the added value of the surrounding properties. In this context, through an academic study, it is intended to answer the following research question: what is the baseline for the measurement of the capital gain of commercial and residential real estate, adjacent to the 5 stops (Jipijapa, La Pradera, La Carolina, La Magdalena, Solanda) of Quito Metro First Line (PLMQ)? To answer the question, the study has been planned, through the observation technique, in 2 phases: the first focused on the generation of a baseline with economic, commercial, technological and demographic indicators that allow to have initial data at the December 20, 2022, regarding the rental and sale prices of commercial and residential real estate, up to 500 meters around the 5 stops described above. The second phase, for its part, has included the observation of properties of the same type through web platforms, of commercial promotion of properties in the city of Quito, highlighting that of Plusvalí In total, 198 observation sheets were generated, corresponding to properties for sale and rent. 132 records were collected on site and 66 through web platforms (in total there were 68 observation records through web pages; however, 2 had inconsistencies and were not considered).



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How to Cite
Nuñez NaranjoS., Morocho TeránJ. E., & Ortega Pintado L. E. (2024). La Análisis descriptivo de inmuebles aledaños a la Primera Línea de Metro de Quito: un estudio para 5 estaciones. AXIOMA, 1(31), 61-73.


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