ARDUINO como alternativa en la enseñanza de la Química Instrumental: Analizador espectroscópico ESPECTRUINO
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The limited resources existing in Latin American Universities make it difficult to acquire and maintain equipment for chemical analysis in general. Given this, the use of the ARDUINO free software platform in the area of chemistry emerges as an interesting and novel alternative that makes it possible to make up for this shortcoming. The research details the development of ESPECTRUINO, a system for the analysis of absorbance, fluorescence, and light scattering in chemical samples based on ARDUINO. The Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) paradigm is used so that undergraduate students (without preliminary programming knowledge) generate the described system. The electronic design, physical design, programming code, and system performance in chemical applications are detailed. The investment made for the acquisition of the equipment components was 38.55 USD. The results were satisfactory in all aspects evaluated, performing calibrations with Pearson correlation coefficients greater than 0.94 and generating measurements statistically similar to commercial equipment.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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