Penitenciary system and overcrowding: vulneration of human beings to the people deprived from libertyat the rehabilitation center in Ibarra city

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Amparo del Carmen Erazo Clerque
Gladys Rocío Torres Nicolalde
Magdalia Maribel Hermoza Vinueza


According to the Ecuadorian Constitution, human beings are born free and equal in dignity and for that reason they will enjoy the same rights. Thus, in the second chapter of the Organic Integral Criminal Code, (COIP).- Art. 12, refers that liberty deprived persons will enjoy the same guarantees and rights recognized by the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, according with international human rights instruments. Nevertheless, the materialization of these rights is far from reality, becoming a dramatic situation the liberty deprived persons live. Taking this precedent into consideration, the objective of this research work is to investigate, if there is a violation of the human rights of people deprived from liberty. Specifically, the indicator of overcrowding in the Social Rehabilitation Center in Ibarra city, and the correspondence to article 51, of the Magna Letter that encloses specific rights in favor of everyone deprived from liberty. This work was conceived with a view of inviting to analyze deeply the reality of the Ibarra Social Rehabilitation Center, for the purpose of the current conditions in this center improve, and stablish policies and routed programs that give an adequate social rehabilitation to the prisoners. The methodology used is basically qualitative, nevertheless, there was a quantitative analysis phase from the processing of various instruments which help to contribute to outline the diagnostic. The research of the Ibarra Rehabilitation Center concludes that it exceeds its installed capacity, overpassing 135,76%, infringing prisoners’ rights. Consequently, the social rehabilitation purpose do not accomplish its finality, therefore, there is no control for the technical organism created to guarantee and evaluate the efficient policies or the system accomplishment.


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How to Cite
Erazo ClerqueA. del C., Torres NicolaldeG. R., & Hermoza VinuezaM. M. (2020). Penitenciary system and overcrowding: vulneration of human beings to the people deprived from libertyat the rehabilitation center in Ibarra city. AXIOMA, (21), 61-68. Retrieved from


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