Competencies for the operational levels of the productive sectors case of the garment sector in the city of Ambato
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This article presents the results of a study that provides essential inputs for the Educational Competency Model which aims to contribute to the solution of one of the current problems related to unemployment of low income youth, caused by lack of training according to the needs of the labor market, which negatively affects the productive sectors having to employ a qualified work force. The Educational Competency Model is based on research focused on the educational needs of the operational levels, where information is obtained for the improvement of occupational competency profiles with the participation of young people who are the target population and representatives of the productive sectors. The profiled subjects have livelihoods that establish the knowledge, skills, and values required for effective job performance. This will better help with information relevant to form a curriculum that fosters the development of necessary jobs skills, generating an attitude of continuous learning to enable the preparation of the individual to be part of a competitive workforce. The research focuses on the apparel sector, under which it has scope for expansion and enjoys a significant presence among the productive sectors in the city of Ambato, where there are no institutional alternatives to teach the competences required for skilled labor force.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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