Energy saving and home safety controlled by a home automation system based on free hardware and software

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Manuel Rogelio Nevárez Toledo
Pedro César Godoy Rosero
Luis Alberto Herrera Izquierdo


The research performed in the field of home automation, was aimed at building electronic energy control equipment to reduce the energy consumption in middle class homes. In the research process, the following variables were measured: temperature, lighting levels and presence of people using sensors in controlled environments. The data obtained allowed the main programming controller to do the decision-making. Free Hardware and software (Arduino and Android) were used, while adapting common use tools to minimize the cost of assembly. The system integrates a module of housing security with an alarm system integrated
into the main controller through a mobile application. In addition, other features were implemented such as the voice command control of all actuators of lighting, climate control and security aimed at people with limited capabilities. The prototype was built, was installed in the Research Laboratory, Technology and Innovation (disputed) for evaluation and diagnosis within the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador Emeralds Campus (PUCE-SE). As a result of the investigation, data showed that there was evidence of decline in the consumption of electrical energy, when the luminaires were activated and deactivated using voice command. Furthermore, the evidence showed the functionality of using a computer with people of special capacities.


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How to Cite
Nevárez ToledoM. R., Godoy RoseroP. C., & Herrera IzquierdoL. A. (2015). Energy saving and home safety controlled by a home automation system based on free hardware and software . AXIOMA, 1(14), 36-45. Retrieved from


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