Analysis of the Public Policy of Prevention of Money Laundering in Ecuador

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Carlos Mauricio De La Torre Lascano


In order to carry out the present investigation, we have resorted to the analysis of the public politics of prevention of money laundering issued in 2014 by Ecuador, whose general objective was researched in order to analyze if the purpose of this public policy emitted, on the one hand is framed within the whole juridical scheme recognized, endorsed doctrinally and, on the other, if it has contributed to the coexistence of those involved in this social phenomenon that affects the nations, the state, society and obligated or empowered subjects, through citizen participation. To give theoretical and bibliographical support, we have consulted several bibliographic sources concerning the subject. In the case of national regulations, the legal bodies issued were analyzed either in official registers or through resolutions of the regulatory bodies. With respect to the international regulations, the consultations were made to the different international standards and agreements that the country has signed. As a result it was found that there is a relative concordance between the reports submitted for analysis by the State Attorney General's Office, compared to Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Colombia. However, the lack of speed in the initial processes of prior investigation and subsequent criminal judicial treatment of the referent, generate poor results in the level of sentences to the offenders. Another result showed in the study is the increase in the level of drugs seized in the country.


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De La Torre LascanoC. M. (2017). Analysis of the Public Policy of Prevention of Money Laundering in Ecuador. AXIOMA, (16), 26-36. Retrieved from


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