Teachers’ perceptions in the use of strategies that favor the reflection,inquiry and exchange of experiences as a training tool in the primary school classrooms
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Current social and educational demands pose new challenges to teachers to attend interculturality in the classroom, demanding the development of methodological actions in inclusive teaching practice, this, in a way that they facilitate a better acting capacity at the time of approaching the teaching and learning process, as well as the adaptability to the changing situations that emerge from the intercultural contexts. The objective of this work is to analyze the perceptions of the teaching staff on methodological strategies that consider collaborative practices of personal and reflective inquiry, allowing the exchange of educational experiences among professionals as a training element and assuring an integral intervention between the educational center, the family and the student, allowing greater stability in the performances. In the last part of the research carried out in 2015, 174 Primary and Secondary Education teachers from educational centers of the different provinces of Castilla-La Mancha participated, with the results and conclusions of the work done on the perceptions of the teaching staff before collaborative strategies for teacher professional improvement.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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