Research production of the teachers of the PUCESE accounting and auditing school

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Tahimi Achilie Valencia


The objective of this paper was to analyze the research production of the teachers of the Accounting and Auditing School during the period 2010-2014 at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas. For this purpose, a qualitative and communicative critical, exploratory-documentary methodology has been used. The sample consisted of thirteen teachers and six authorities. The technique of structured and semi-structured interviews was used for the production of data, as well as the observation and the already existing information from the different final works of the undergraduate students. To carry out the analysis, a categorial system has been established for ordering and organizing the responses, giving an interpretative sense to the report. The results revealed that throughout the years of service, the function of the university teaching staff has been focused preferentially on teaching, leaving research aside. This fact has generated weaknesses in their training as future researchers, preventing them from strengthening their research activity. Finally, the work presented seeks to promote, through the group of researchers, the creation of seedbeds where teachers and students participate, generating knowledge through research works with greater scientific rigor


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Achilie ValenciaT. (2018). Research production of the teachers of the PUCESE accounting and auditing school. AXIOMA, (17), 98-107. Retrieved from


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