Management of the risk of sesgo in testing of biomechanical prototype materials
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This work will allow to manage the “risk of bias” of biomechanical prototypes tests or of any other nature, which will help when it comes to designing and redesigning biomechanical prototypes, since following the recommendations of this study will lead to a saving of time and money when designing prostheses. The objective is to obtain a documented protocol that guides the moment of carrying out biomechanical tests and to reduce the risk of bias. Among the theoretical references are I. M. Sobol (1983), J. M. Dorador Gonzales (2004), K. Norton (2007) and Palisade Corporation (2015). The methodology used is qualitative and quantitative, framed in the theory of the Monte Carlo method and the techniques of risk management. The techniques used were the test, the numerical analysis, the simulation that was performed using the software @RISK and Excel. The result is the test protocol where the analysis is involved in the trials to minimize the “risk of bias”, which could become the standard for performing the different tests. It will save costs in materials and manufacturing time, in addition, it will promote the customized design of biomechanical prostheses that are becoming more demanding.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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