Approach to changes in the ways of international migration governance (2002-2018)

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Jonathan Palatz Cedeño


This article is aimed at examining the changes development in the construction process of international migration governance (2002-2018), where the creative institutional innovations, as the main approach, are capable of connecting governments, international organizations, civil society, and business sector.

It  is  affirmed  that  global  public  policy  networks  are  a  promising  response  to  the  growing  global organizational void of classical multilateralism. In these three-sectorial networks, States, international organizations, civil society actors, and private sector have the potential, through collaboration, to advance or diminish the protection of migrants (2012-2018), with no need to wait for binding-type international regulations.


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How to Cite
Palatz CedeñoJ. (2019). Approach to changes in the ways of international migration governance (2002-2018). AXIOMA, (20), 5-12. Retrieved from


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