Catholic marriage dialectics. indissolubility vs. nullity. the recent comprehensive reform of the proceduraliter of the ecclesiastical marriage nullity and its juridical-religious effects
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The complex world of these days, with religious uncertainty, with denial of elementary institutions such as marriage, especially in the heart of the Catholic Church, makes that this article starts with an elementary concepts exploration to understand the dialectics of the infallible principle of matrimonial indissolubility in the face of the nullity process of the religious matrimonial bond. From a doctrinal revision with synodalhermeneutics, the theology of stability and indissolubility is canonized, by widely expressing "marriage is a lifelong consortium", and with a normative and axiological method, this research condenses that the recent comprehensive reform of the procedural iter of the ecclesiastical marriage nullity exposed by the Pope Francisco Motu proprio"Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus" and "Mitis et Misericors Iesus", introduces ex novo the process called breviore of judicial nature, with juridical-religious repercussions and effects of great relevance.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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