Project-based learning: a fundamental tool for skills and competences development in a process engineering course
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This paper presents the project-based learning methodology applied to the development of the Process Engineering Course of Chemical Engineering Major at Técnica Particular de Loja University. A theoretical and experimental design project was planned, implemented and evaluated to obtain biodiesel from domestically used oil.At the end of the course, assessment instruments were applied to understand the students' perception of various aspects inherent to the subject development, competences acquisition, and the project design. In addition, other aspects related to the teacher’s observation regarding the students’ participation in terms of entrance to the virtual learning environment, tutorial attendance, grade average of both the course and the project application were evaluated. The project-based learning methodology of was implemented as a corrective measure to solve problems found in the previous course edition, cohort year 2012, regarding the need to incorporate more experimental activities in this subject development. The analysis of the Process Engineering Course development of 2012 and 2013 cohorts determines the effectiveness of this didactic methodology to promote occupational-field related training activities, since it generates greater involvement of students towards the planned training activities. Besides, it was an enriching experience for the teacher, aimed at improving his academic work and the creation of more interactive learning environments.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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