Ecuador: Contemporary Processes of Market Reform and Regulatory Improvement

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Jennifer Elizabeth Lara Alvear
Rubén Méndez Reátegui
Lissangee Stefanía Mendoza García
José Carlos Portilla Ruiz
Jostin Gabriel Suarez Jácome


ABSTRACT: Throughout Ecuador's republican history, critical regulatory reform processes have been developed to introduce regulatory improvements in the market. For implementing these reforms in the national regulatory framework, the structure of incentives and social costs must be considered to facilitate an effective "design" prototype that foresees, for example, simplified procedures and services, i.e., with a low social opportunity cost. Therefore, this article focuses on the qualitative legal-economic analysis (theoretical and conceptual) of new legal institutions such as the merger regime, reorganization proceedings, shareholders' agreements, good corporate governance and those legal barriers that may hinder the necessary regulatory improvement.

JEL Code: K, K0


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Lara AlvearJ. E., ReáteguiR. M., Mendoza GarcíaL. S., Portilla RuizJ. C., & Suarez JácomeJ. G. (2021). Ecuador: Contemporary Processes of Market Reform and Regulatory Improvement. AXIOMA, 1(25), 48-55.


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