The university desertion in the first levels and the labor insertion of the graduates Project Alpha III, DevalSimWeb. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador Ibarra Headquarters (PUCE-SI

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María Josefa Rubio Gómez
Ana Lucía Tocaín Garzón
Marcia Lucía Mantilla Guerra


This article collects the results of the work carried out in the PUCE-SI in the first stage of the DevalSimWeb project "Development of professional competences through participatory evaluation and simulation using web tools", funded by the European Commission. The importance of this section of the research lies in the possibility that it gives us to be able to intervene positively in the aspects that are suggested to us to avoid abandonment and increase the labor insertion of students belonging to the participating universities and, specifically, from the action corresponding study carried out by the research team of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ibarra Headquarters. We could say that it is an area of ​​evaluation of quality for improvement, and that it has been an enrichment by sharing the experience of networking with the University of Costa Rica (Costa Rica), the University of Antioquia (Colombia), the Salesian University of Bolivia (Bolivia), the University of Durham (United Kingdom) and the University of Cádiz (Spain), the latter as the coordinating institution. The very different reality of the six countries has led to work from consensus to the proposal of the instruments, the methodology, the data collection and the definition of skills required to increase employability and avoid university dropouts, as the first stage of the project that over three years will deliver as many experiences that will help improve the quality of university education.


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How to Cite
Rubio GómezM. J., Tocaín GarzónA. L., & Mantilla GuerraM. L. (2012). The university desertion in the first levels and the labor insertion of the graduates Project Alpha III, DevalSimWeb. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador Ibarra Headquarters (PUCE-SI. AXIOMA, 1(8), 26-35. Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Josefa Rubio Gómez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra



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